2010년 6월 19일 토요일

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2010년 3월 20일 토요일

Web Plug-in : The Answers.com for Firefox

Click, and you'll see the Answer!

From the first day I became a Mac user, I has been using Firefox web browser. Actually, at least in Korea, there are little things I can do with Firefox, because Active-X based web plug-ins or various security codes were broadly used by major websites. So, many Korean Mac user is parallely using Windows supported by Bootcamp or VM wares.

Globally, however, Firefox is the most popular and useful web browser ever. With useful and various web plug-ins and gadgets, Firefox has been luring of web users. In terms of web brawsing speed, Firefox, along with Google Chrome, has the fastest web page launching speed.

Amid many brilliant features of Firefox, I want to introduce "the Answers.com" to you. The main function of this plug-in is providing mobile web-dictionary. After simple install process, you can instantly use its function in any web pages. While you're reading some articles in Economists and face to some vocabulary unfamiliar to you, you can get its meaning just by pressing option key (in windows, alt key) and clicking the vocabulary. No need to open new web page, dictionary application, or paper based dictionary at all in order to find its meaning. You can face to blue and yellow dialogue frame, just as you can see comics, poped up in stylish manner. And its dictionary meanings are appeared on the screen.

On top of that, its function works in itself. Namely, if you face to unfamiliar word again in the result screen of the answers.com, you can get its meaning by repeating the same way. Regrettably, however, move to previous or forward page inside the plug-in; when you need to move back to your initial query, you have to point the one again. This would be modified, I believe, to let users easily move back and forth.

10 years ago, the critical competitivity which web browsers are addressing was its availability. So, MS' IE were able to take the first place in the web browser competition in the early era of internet; if you have windows, you were able to be connected to internet without any additionally installing web browser. During decade, however, the competetion environments have been changing. MS cannot initially include IE in windows OS any more, on top of that, dominating notebook over desktop and adventing of Netbook need for light and speedy web browser. Around 2 years from now, SNS and other various web based application, especially were provided in charge, are offering free application services to users, so that the newly required must have of popular web browser would be how many attractive, addictive, and stylish plug-ins could be provided just by having the browser. In terms of this, new era is coming, Firefox is running to keep its the first place.

You can get this plug-in by visiting Mozilla's homepage, www.mozilla.com

2009년 5월 30일 토요일

Hot Site: Poolga.com

Come, See, and Get!

Poolga.com is one of the iPod Touch or iPhone wallpaper providing internet sites. I've got the first contact to this information through Stuff Korea - Korean Edition of Stuff magazine. In this site, you can get some trendy, pop art-like, and creative wallpapers for your iPod Touch or iPhone.

In the right side of the main page, you can see the message from the creator of this site. " We love our iPhones and we love customizing them, but we hate the cheesy wallpapers available everywhere. That's why we create our own, and thought it would be nice to share them. So here they are. Enjoy!*"

So, all of wallpapers shared in this site is free to get'em.

- Very trendy and creative designs of wallpapers are free! -

I love their humanitarian attitude to share contents. No additional conditions, no banners, and no water marks, you can enjoy new mood from your iPod.

You can also enjoy the part of this site from Flickr, Twitter, and RSS feed.

RSS Feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/poolga
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/poolga/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Poolga

I will follow "Poolga" !